Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Braced for Impact

Best Blogger Tips

Today marks the first official move-in day for the undergrads at VT living in the dorms.  Needing to get my new faculty ID, I ended up walking across campus this morning amidst the move-in mayhem.  If only I had my camera with me!  Cars backed up as far as the eye can see.  New students sitting in the back behind their parents, a bit wide-eyed but trying to play it cool.  Moms (only saw 1 dad in this role) standing guard over their child’s small mountain of possessions, swiftly unloaded curbside , waiting until the rest of the clan manages to find parking and can come help.  It put quite a cheeky smile on my face.  A mixture of confidence, ‘been there done that’, and nostalgia.  11 years ago that was my stuff on the curb (different curb mind you, a good 800 miles away, but same scenario).  

Making it past the dorms I witnessed the rest of campus bracing for impact.  Library staff smiling and on the ready, furniture all neatly arranged – we’ll see how long that lasts.  Extra food court staff on hand, making sure items are stocked and protocol is clear.  Cleaning staff have the student union building practically shining, completely litter free.  It’s basically a grand opening of a business.  In this case, the business is education and the grand opening happens annually.  

I came to this campus 6 years ago as a new graduate student, excited and terrified just as I was as an undergrad.  The lady helping me with my new ID asked, “Do you want a new picture or do you just want to use the old one?”  I was caught off guard because you know I had specifically picked out what shirt to wear (the right neckline is everything!), I hadn’t biked to campus so I wouldn’t have helmet head,and I made sure my glasses were nice and clean….all preparations for a new ID photo.  

Me:  “I can just use the old one unless you think I’ve changed dramatically and should replace it.”  

ID Staff:  “Well that’s why I asked.  You look exactly the same!”

Huh.  In a lot of the ways I feel exactly the same too.  Excited and nervous, braced for impact. 

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