Friday, December 30, 2011

60 to 30

Best Blogger Tips

So sometime over this holiday season I reached the 60 to 30 mark.  60 days until I turn 30.  What, you didn’t know that was a thing?  60 to 30?  Yeah, it isn’t.  But I do like easily divisible numbers so the mathematical convenience captured my attention.   And yes, I’m not saying exactly what day I reached this because although I post my life to the world via Facebook, Twitter, <insert all possible social media outlets>, and this blog, I still occasionally like to pretend that not everyone can find out some details of my life.  A delusion, I know. 

I’m not particularly worried about 30, but I wasn’t particularly worried about 25 and yet I can admit that I totally freaked out.  At least internally that is.  Apparently the sudden responsibility of being able to rent my own car was just too much to handle all at once?  Being 25 suddenly translated to my life as already 25% over!  That ¼ gone perspective was troublesome, not to mention that it was an extremely optimistic estimation.  I mean, should I really assume I’ll live to be 100? 

So now, approaching 30 (the new 20, right?), I’m curious as to how I’ll freak out.  Because rest assured folks, I will freak out.  Now don’t count on finding clues to my mental state through random purchases or activities I undertake.  I’m already known to do things out of the blue, unrelated to any age milestones – like buy a 30 year old motorcycle without even knowing how to ride one, spending the entire day in pajamas perusing Etsy/declaring war on unsolved crossword puzzles/watching YouTube videos of The Muppets, attempting to learn to long board like the kids around campus, or exiting for a break on a road trip only to end up buying a puppy from a lady on the side of the road.  No, my best guess is that my temporary emotional implosion won’t be externalized (or so I hope!).  

So come on 30.  We’re all waiting to see what you do to me.  Who knows?  Maybe I’ll embrace the dickens out of you and you’ll never see it coming.......
If all else fails, a good ol' cuddle with little Ala-Mo will solve it all!


  1. I freaked out at 29. I'd just had a baby and therefore said goodbye to my 20s and my shapely figure all at the same time. Plus I was full to the brim with all those new-mom/breastfeeding hormones so I was a mess. But I think turning 29 motivated me to get started with Burnt Creative because I didn't want to turn 30 and still not have a "plan."
    By the time I turned 30, my freak-out was over and everything was peaches.

    All I can say is, if you do freak out, my vote is for a tattoo. If you already have one, make it LOTS bigger. :)

  2. Really, 30 is not soooo bad! I should know because I am twice that and we can all do the math :)

    You look great, you are great, you have a great job, a great hubby, a great dog, a great place to live, great hobbies, great places to hike, so there now what is there to freak out about.

    From someone who knows a great deal about you!
